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One Vision
Localized Name One Vision
User Par Iruminētā
Namesake Queen - One Vision
Destructive Power A
Speed Beyond
Range A
Persistence A
Precision S
Developmental Potential C

One Vision is the stand of Par Iruminētā.


One Vision is made of light and can revert to that form but the light can come together to make a humanoid form with a helmet at the back of it head but cuts off the head looks more like a marble and has an infinity symbol on it. its body has the same marbles for its head for where both of the shoulders would be it has a scarf, a chest plate with an upside down head of a Stand Arrow gauntlets with a spike opening and the same upside down Stand Arrow Heads. It has Belt with a buckle with infinity symbol on it also it has cloths wrapping around the back of its waist and boots with straps on it.


This stand just barley has a personality but it does show a bit of personality as slightly polite and calm speaking to opponents rarely when throwing punches it says Urarararara! or Ura Ura Ura! in Par's Voice.


The stand show's extraordinary combat ability's due to it's speed and utilization of Photokinetic Combat it also extraordinary strength on par with Star Platinum it is invulnerable to most attacks the only way damage the user is too hit it with another stand or something produces by the another stand for example magicians red's flames.

Stand Ability - Light Incarnation

The stand is able to be utilized into bullets to create small Nuclear Fusions to shoot at enemy's(Click for more info.)the light can be manipulated and solidified into physical forms as in weapons, Keys, ETC for combat or utility, upon hitting the enemy in the face they can blind then temporarily by Par deciphers this as absorbing the light from that area, this stand can also split from its humanoid form to light to travel trough small areas.

Evolution/One Vision:Twilight[]

After par stabbed by the arrow twice similar to killer queen his stand gained a new set of abilities it also gained a slight appearance change (the arrows on it's body)

True Light

"Just like its time slows down when an object moves at a high speed, the same object will also get shorter in its direction of motion. At the speed of light, time stops and the object will shrink to zero length."

The Stand and the user truly travel at light speed at this point it will look as if every one has stopped moving and they will become invisible to the human eye this works almost exactly how The World and Star Platinum's Time Stop ability this effect last's for nine seconds.

Light Boundary

Light Boundary is an evolution of the ability to "Absorb" Light. User can separate/block any light from anything and everything else. When this power is used, it makes it impossible for matter and waves to react with, enter, leave, move through, or be absorbed by the separated light, or for any energy to be transferred to and from the separated light, or simply for any alteration/interaction to occur with the separated light.

This not only affects the physical forms of light, but also its esoteric, psychic, empathic, dark, and so on variants/forms. Light can no longer brighten things up, be moved or even exist in any form. Any light already being used in a process when this power is used will be removed from and separated from that process. More powerful users might be able to separate light from the effects of other superpowers, and even from concepts, such as literacy, knowledge and boundaries. The user can control exactly what light is being targeted, what the target light is separated from, and to what extent the range of this is 10 feet.

For more info on light boundary




  • The name Twilight comes from a song from The Band "twilight"


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